Çerez Örnek

eduroam (EDUcation ROAMing) is a radius-based authentication infrastructure developed for users to easily connect to the internet in the institutions they visit as guests. Users of eduroam member institutions can connect to the wireless network in another eduroam member institution with their portable devices using their user names and passwords. Many universities in 106 countries around the world have joined eduroam. The current list of participating universities in Turkey is available on the page of ULAKBİM (Turkish Academic Network and Information Center).

When EDUROAM Connection is established, all conditions specified in the EDUROAM User Agreement file will be deemed as accepted and in case of any legal problem, the sanctions in the agreement will be taken into account.

Ege University Academic Staff will use their e-mail address (ad.soyad@ege.edu.tr) as user name and e-mail password as password for connection to EDUROAM network.

For connecting EDUROAM network:

Graduate and undergraduate students;

will use their student e-mail addresses (ogrencino@ogrenci.ege.edu.tr) as their user names and their T.R. identity numbers as their passwords. (If the password is changed on kimlik.ege.edu.tr, then the new password must be used while logging in.)

Academic and Administrative Staff;

will use ad.soyad@ege.edu.tr for the user name and their passwords used for kimlik.ege.edu.tr.



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Ege Üniversitesi